Materials Research News
The IUMRS-ICEM 2024 will be the first conference to be held in Hong Kong jointly by the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS), Hong Kong Materials Research Society (HKMRS) and the Hong Kong Branch of National Precious Metals Material Engineering Research Center (NPMM) of City University of Hong Kong (CityU).
The IUMRS-ICEM 2024 will consist of stimulating program of plenary sessions, keynote speeches, panel discussions, poster presentations and exhibitions in advanced materials and technologies.
We aim to make the conference a genuine two-way process and as such, technology knowledge transfer, commercialization and industrialization can be further enhanced through the interactivity.
ICONN 2024
The International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN 2024) was held between 13-15th February in Melbourne. During the opening ceremony of ICONN 2024, in collaboration the conference organising committee, the AMRS organised an inaugural Jim Williams Plenary Lecture, in recognition of Professor Jim Williams’s pioneering research in semiconducting materials and for his outstanding leadership, mentorship and service to the materials research community over more than 3 decades, including his establishment and leadership of the Australian Materials Research Society and the Department of Electronic Materials Engineering at Australian National University and his dedicated service to the IUMRS, through its General Assembly and as Secretary and Second Vice President.
The President of Australian Academy of Sciences Prof. Chennupati Jagadish introduced Professor Williams’ achievements and the AMRS Excom presented the plaque to Prof. Williams. The Jim Williams Plenary Lecture series will continue in the future materials research related conferences in Australia.
ICONN 2024
The International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN), will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 13 - 15 February 2024. The abstract submissions deadline has been extended to 11 September 2023.
Please visit the website for more info
The Ukraine-Australia Research Fund is open for applications
The Australian Academy of Science (the Academy) has partnered with the Breakthrough Prize Foundation to deliver a program to support Ukrainian researchers in eligible fields of science who have been impacted by the war with Russia. The donation is being used to establish two different activities, each designed to offer practical support to enable the continuation of research and technology activities by Ukrainian scientists.
Please visit the website for more info
ICMI 2023
The 2023 International Conference on Materials Innovation (ICMI23) will be held between 22nd and 25th August 2023 in Brisbane, Australia. All AMRS members will receive a $50 discount on conference registration. Please join AMRS for member's discount.
Please visit the website for more info